If you’re tired of wearing glasses for your vision, contact lenses can be an excellent alternative for providing clear, natural vision. At Coal Creek Family Vision, our team of eye doctors is here to help you when you are ready for contact lenses. When glasses become a nuisance, we can ensure that our patients have clear, comfortable vision when wearing contact lenses by providing contact lens exams and corneal evaluations to give you the perfect fit.
Our Contact Lens Exam and Fitting Process
Our contact lens exam and fitting involve multiple steps to ensure that your lenses fit perfectly along the cornea and allow you to see perfectly.
These steps include:

The Exam
During your exam, we will discuss aspects of your lifestyle, medical history, and previous experiences with contact lenses to understand your vision needs. Our team will conduct an in-office assessment that will evaluate your tear film or the layers of the eyeball to see how well your eyes can handle contact lenses. Using corneal technology, we will perform tests to measure the space available for your lenses and help you choose a comfortable contact lens that meets all of your vision needs.

The Contact Fitting
Your corneal evaluation will involve reviewing your eye measurements and recommending contact lenses that will meet your vision concerns. There are many selections our team can provide for your comfort, and based on the results of your exam; we can provide the following selection of contact lenses:
- Soft Contact Lenses: Soft contact lenses are made of flexible, breathable plastic. As the most commonly used type of lens, they’re considered easy to adjust to and comfortable to wear for long periods. They come as either daily disposables or extended wear.
- Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses: Unlike soft contact lenses, rigid gas permeable lenses are a more durable lens option, providing clearer, crisp vision. However, soft lenses are reported to be more comfortable.
- Scleral lenses: These specialty contact lenses are designed to fit eyes with irregularly shaped corneas or hard-to-fit eyes. These lenses rest on the whites of the eyes, the sclera, instead of the cornea, and are excellent for patients with keratoconus.

The Follow-Up
Once your selection has been made, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to check in on how your eye responds to the contact lens after wearing them. During your follow-up appointment, we will evaluate your eye health, quality of vision, and comfort levels after a week of wearing contact lenses and adjust them if necessary.
Why Choose Us For Contact Lenses?
Contact lenses can be an excellent alternative to glasses, and if you have any questions about caring for, inserting, and removing your contact lenses, know that we’re here for you. If you would like to learn more about contact lenses, our brand options, or other questions and concerns, then contact us today! By scheduling an appointment with us, you can be assured that we will provide the best quality eye care for you and your family.